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Our Blog

Here's the Risk of Being Agile

- September 14, 2024

When you’re trying to make every penny count for the company, it’s a common belief that taking an agile approach is the best way to go. But the reality is, you can’t do everything yourself. And sometimes, if you’re working on complex tasks outside of your wheelhouse, you risk doing more harm than good.

Here’s what that can look like:

  • Overpaying or underpaying employees
  • Missing IRS tax deadlines
  • Not handling child support or garnishments properly
  • Incomplete or missing records
  • Careless approach to security that leaves your company vulnerable to hacks
  • Improper file backup
  • Data loss
  • Outdated technology

In fact, in 2023, three in four companies in the U.S. were at risk of a cyberattack. What’s more, 40% of small businesses pay an average of $845 a year in IRS penalties because of mismanaged payroll processes.

But you don’t have to be a part of these statistics. There is help available that will not only provide peace of mind but can even end up saving you money.

Our expert team at CPU is here to help so you can instead:

  • Explore new avenues for business growth
  • Focus on hiring and retention
  • Spend more time with your customers
  • Attend to high priority business needs

If you’re ready to hand over tasks like Payroll, Voice, or IT that are taking too much of your time, energy and effort, talk to CPU today. We’ve been around for 45 years, and we are experts in these areas so you don’t have to be. These services are notoriously some of the most challenging areas for any company, so you’ll get peace of mind and a lightened workload in exchange for our expertise.

We understand that times are tight and we’re all working with limitations. But know that CPU is here to help. Reach out to us today.